
Showing posts from 2016

Highlight wk10

      Tuesday 13 December 2016 Highlight wk10  Today what i liked was Mr Hattie's iExperience  and his one was about using controls with out a device  we had to get into three groups of 8 and we got to choose a alphabet from A to D. My Letter was D and it mean I had to do the controls with a friend named Alysia   we tired to figure out what were the symbols meaning and we were choosing a shape and pass it on to the processor to see what number was it and the processor pass it  to the Smartie pants people and Then give it again to the processor to do the command and the  people who were the players they moved the elf to the left and then we kept on playing the game and then Mr Hattie stop the game and we cleaned up and went to the mat  and then   he said to go back to our hapu group and do our iReflect and that was my highlight the end.      

Compare and contrast

Learners: Shaval and Tristan Learning Coach:   Radha Moopanar         Date: 11 November Learning Area:          iExplore                                          Key Competency:     Participating and Contributing NZC AO:                    Level 2 Language Features: uses a large and increasing bank of high-frequency, topic-specific, and personal-content words to make meaning & shows an increasing knowledge of the conventions of text Learning Observed In iExplore we worked collaboratively in small groups to create and present our new learning with our hapu ...

My highlight

Thursday 10 November 2016  My highlight of my day is iExperience because i cant wait to do P.E for  iExperience and to play capture the flag.
Wednesday 9 November 2016 My highlight of my day The highlight of the day is iExplore cause i got to watch my movie about Harry Potter because i am a fan and for the iExplore Im doing is  a Harry Potter club and it great we just need a little bit information for my iExplore and it is really going great because we need to print the sign up sheet so we know who wants to join my fab club.

Time machine narrative writing

Shaval Learning Coach:   Radha Moopanar      Date: 3 November 2016 Learning Area:        iDevelop: Speaking, Writing and Presenting                                          Key Competency:   Using Language, Symbols and Text NZC AO:                   Level 2 Language Features: Students will: • Select and use sources of information, processes, and strategies with some confidence to identify, form, and express ideas. Learning Observed This term our learners developed their curiosities in narrative writing. Shaval participated in workshops to plan, write, edit and present her writing.  The learners wer...

Scratch Story Narrative


Curiosity Quest

Learner: Shaval and Tristan                                                  Learning Coach :R.Moopanar       Date:  23 October 2016  Week 1-2                                         Learning Area: Science Learning Observed For the past few weeks the learners have been engaged in a curiosity quest!  The learners were given the choice of 8 curiosity quests which included: Why it is important to learn about eggs, imaginary planets, can humans live on another planet, why are New Zealanders called kiwi...



My highlight wk2

19 October W ednesday 2016 My highlight of my day is iBreak 1 because i got to play with my sisters and build a hut with my friends and sister we got to collaborate with my sisters and friends we played happy and we got to help each other and let other people come in and play  and we got to have really fun and enjoy playing with the hut it was fun

My highlight

Tuesday 18 October 2016 The highlight of my of my life is quick write because i got to write a time travel story and i watch a time travel movie and i got a little help from harry lang my best friend.

My highlight

My Highlight of my day was literacy because i got to learn a new activity call storyboard and it ids kind of like storyBird but,storyBoard you got to do it in your learning book and you get to draw and tell what happen in the story and draw the photos that were in the book. Here are the templates for storyboard!!!!!!!!!.

Speech Narrative Assessment

Shaval Learning Coach:   Stephanie Hooker  & D Wilkes        Date: 2 September 2016 Learning Area:        iDevelop: Speaking, Writing and Presenting                                          Key Competency:   Using Language, Symbols and Text NZC AO:                   Level 2 Language Features: Students will: • Select and use sources of information, processes, and strategies with some confidence to identify, form, and express ideas. Learning Observed This term our learners developed their capabilities in speech writing. Shaval participated in workshops to plan, write, edit and present her...


Tuesday 20 September 2016 The highlight of my day is iExperience because we were doing a fun activity called Polynesian patterns and it was fun but i didn't have time because i was on my pastels and here are some pictures. here is a Samoan pattern here is a  flower pattern

STEAM iExplore @OSC

Video here: 


Tuesday 13 September 2016 Today in iExperience Me,Selestine,Cassandra,Ziell & Delcy were doing tie rope  Selestine made it have way and I was holding the rope just in case the rope falls   down and a person might get hurt.   A person is doing a split on a rope.   THIS GUY IS WALKING ON A ROPE. WOW.
Monday 12 September 2016 A really oresome learning experience today was maths because we had to do a really fun mixed math by learning how many  different ways to solve a problem. Something i am looking forward this afternoon is finding out what  iExperience we are going to do hmm.