Shaval & Melissa connect through maths games

Learners: Shaval & Melissa
Learning Coach:   Stephanie Hooker         Date: 8 August 2016
Learning Area:          iDevelop- Maths                                         
Key Competency:     Using Language, Symbols and Text
NZC AO:                     Level 2 Number: Communicate and interpret simple additive strategies,
using words, diagrams (pictures), and symbols.
Number strategies: Use simple additive strategies with whole numbers and fractions.  Number knowledge: Know forward and backward counting sequences with whole numbers to at least 1000. & Know the basic addition and subtraction facts.
Learning Observed
Ormiston ICON COLLABORATE.jpgToday during our Daily 3 Shaval chose Maths with Someone and began teaching Melissa a card game.  The focus for this particular activity shows Shaval is able to articulate her thinking skills and share her knowledge. Both learners were capable of working collaboratively and were able to complete the task without guidance - Self management.  Our learners always enjoy the opportunity to connect and work with others.
Learner voice:  
Shaval “This is called Speed, and it’s good for your Maths ‘cos you count down or up”.
Evidence of learning
Next Learning Steps

  • Invite other learners to play the game
  • Learn other card games, such as 21 or use the cards to practice Math facts
  • Share learning at home and complete weekly Mathletics tasks and ‘live Mathletics’
  • Login into e-ako and complete tasks


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